Healing After Loss Handbook cover
Healing After Loss Handbook - the first 12 months (ebook)
After Loss 3-6 months recovery
Period FAQs after pregnancy loss
Contents page of Healing After Loss Handbook

Healing After Loss Handbook - the first 12 months (ebook)

Regular price $10.00 Sale

You're in the right place, if you find yourself:

  • In the first year after baby loss.
  • Feeling low in energy, and lost in all the emotions.
  • Wanting to understand your womb, energy and fertility in a new way.
  • Needing further support for your health after loss
  • Seeking some gentle guidance.

In this ebook, I take you through the first 12 months of recovering after baby loss. 

Covering the hormones, return of your period, the best foods to eat for energy building, rituals and self care. 

  • With 45+ pages of information
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Easy to read
  • Stunning images

This is the book I wish I could have turned to, after my miscarriages. I had so many questions about my health, and what my body was doing. It was a time of great uncertainty, and I felt lost in the depths of information on the internet and chat forums. 

What I really needed was gentle guidance, in an easy to read format. 

So I dug deep, I researched information and interviewed health professionals. I found the golden thread in the things they all said and recommended. 

I wove the best bits of information together, for the mama who now needs to be held while her body and mind heals. 

After purchasing, you will receive a digital download of a pdf file (sent by email) of this beautiful book.